
Hey there, I’m Grace!

And I’m the creative force behind Ellenberg & Co.


I’m so glad you’re here!

When I started photography ten years ago as a creative outlet in high school, I had absolutely no idea that it would lead me here — getting to know you and creating images unique to your life and passions. I’ve learned that making these connections is my favorite part of this creative journey.

Military Celebration Photographer Grace Ellenberg walking on a sidewalk by a vine covered wall holding her camera and smiling big

years refining my photography skills

countries backpacked
and photographed




Owner. Artist. Friend. 


I’m always on new adventures with my camera in hand — whether exploring a new place or meeting you. If I’m not behind the camera, it’s most likely because I’m holding onto a dog leash instead.

From growing up in the Florida panhandle, moving to New York City for 5 years, and becoming a military spouse, I have some adventures under my belt — not to mention chasing our pups, Cooper and Atlas, away from trouble. I married Easton (my high school crush turned boyfriend 5 years later) in 2020, and it was the best decision I ever made.


I love enjoying the moments life brings with him and the pups — from our adventures to new places to slow nights snuggled on the couch. 

Currently, we live in southeast Alabama while Easton continues his Army journey in the Military Police Detachment at Fort Novosel. I take on regular clients in southeast Alabama and along the Florida Gulf coast, but I’m always up for hopping on a plane to join you on your next adventure! I can’t wait to meet you soon!


— Grace

Military Celebration Photographer Grace Ellenberg snuggles with her husband in a mountain trail
A Military Celebration Photographer Dances by a lake while on. mountain hike
Military Celebration Photographer Grace Ellenberg rides on her husband's shoulders while walking on a rocky shoreline


Changing leaves
Wearing my adventure hats & many (many) baseball caps
Chick-Fil-A Chicken Minis 
You’ve Got Mail
The Upper West Side
Easton & the pups
L.L. Bean


Meet Easton.

Husband. Co-photographer. Writer.

You’ll quickly learn that this business is a team effort. Easton is my biggest support system and daily encouragement. He’s also one heck of a photographer and assistant on wedding days. Though he’s not able to make it to every shoot or wedding, he makes time to help in any way he can such as writing blog posts and brainstorming new ideas to grow the business. I truly believe E and our marriage is evidence of the Lord’s faithfulness.



E’s favorite things include:

Most things adrenaline inducing (zooming, roller coasters, go karts, etc.) 
Playing really, really loud guitar 
Fall and changing leaves, especially in the mountains when it looks like the hills are on fire with orange and red 
Cuddling & sleeping in late with Grace

Cooper the Golden Retriever walks through a field with a frisbee in his mouth

Cooper | Golden Retriever

His favorite things include: 
His frisbee
Sleeping on pillows (especially Easton’s)
Grace <3 

Atlas The Golden Newfie Sits while wearing a birthday hat

Atlas | Golden Newfie

His favorite things include: 
His ball (or any ball)
Sleeping on his bed
Laying / swimming / rolling in any type of water
All the attention


A few snapshots into my life
